BPG BPG Beratungs- und Prüfungsgesellschaft mbH
Sürreya Bingöl

New to the team: Sürreya Bingöl

HR, Crowe BPG, Auditing

What did you do before Crowe BPG?
Bachelor's degree in International Business Management (specializing in Finance and Controlling)
Internship in auditing at Genoverband e.V. Düsseldorf
Audit assistant at Genoverband e.V. Düsseldorf

What are your tasks at Crowe BPG?
As an audit assistant at Crowe BPG's Düsseldorf office, I am part of the auditing department and provide support for audits of annual financial statements under commercial law and other auditing services.

What are you looking forward to in your new job?
I am particularly looking forward to working with my new colleagues and gaining new experiences.

Which three words describe you best?
friendly, determined, reliable.

Why did you become an audit assistant?
I already realized during my studies (International Business Management) that I was particularly interested in the financial area of companies. My internship in auditing finally confirmed this career aspiration for me.
