BPG BPG Beratungs- und Prüfungsgesellschaft mbH
Sabrina Lüttgens

New to the team: Sabrina Lüttgens

Crowe BPG, HR

What is your name? 
Sabrina Lüttgens

What did you do before Crowe BPG?
I trained as a tax assistant in the traditional way, then studied tax and auditing and also prepared for my exams. I have always worked in various tax consultancy firms, have spent the last two years working for a private asset management company and am now here at Crowe BPG.

What are your tasks at Crowe BPG?
Mainly preparing tax returns and annual financial statements, but also optimizing internal processes and acting as a link between IT and the tax department.

What are you looking forward to in your new job?
A healthy and friendly environment.

Which three words describe you best?
Good-humored (exceptions prove the rules?), empathetic, helpful

If you were a superhero, what superpower would you have and why?
I've thought about it for a while and can't really answer that. Flying would be really cool, then I'd be on the spot quickly.

Do you have a favorite quote or motto that guides you in life?
You get what you give when you do what you love.

What should your new colleagues definitely know about you?
Although it doesn't seem like it at first, I need lots of breaks and time for myself because interpersonal contact quickly overwhelms me.

Why did you become a tax clerk?
It was actually a complete coincidence "for lack of alternatives" - I had the choice between a bank and a tax consultant and decided based on my gut feeling and then, over time, decided that I was good at what I do.

What hobbies do you pursue in your free time? What are you passionate about?
I work part-time as a yoga teacher and yoga therapist and love working with people because yoga offers so much added value, both physically, mentally and emotionally. My boyfriend and I also make vegan and pollutant-free rapeseed wax and soy wax candles.

What don't you like at all?
I have a strong sense of injustice, so it immediately makes me foxy when people lie or try to screw others over.

And last but not least... what can someone do to make you happy? 
I'm always happy to receive vegan treats or green plants.
