BPG BPG Beratungs- und Prüfungsgesellschaft mbH

Crowe advises BestFit Group (Ai Fitness & jumpers fitness) on acquisition of Fivestar gym chain


Crowe BPG has successfully advised BestFit Group, a portfolio company of NORD Holding, on the acquisition of all 11 locations and around 50,000 members of the premium value chain Fivestar Fitness. From August 2023, these studios will expand the existing portfolio to a total of 106 fitness studios.

The BestFit Group is one of the leading fitness operators in Germany with 95 studios, over 300,000 members and around 1,400 employees. With its established brands Ai Fitness and jumpers fitness, the BestFit Group is positioning itself in the rapidly growing premium value segment.

The acquisition of the 11 Fivestar Fitness locations represents a significant step in the BestFit Group's expansion strategy. Through the regional distribution of the Fivestar Fitness locations, the BestFit Group can not only strengthen its core areas, but also expand its local presence in new cities. The acquired locations will continue to operate under the Ai Fitness brand.

The Crowe BPG team (crowe-bpg.de), which was responsible for the financial and tax due diligence as well as the economic and tax contract consulting, consisted of Andreas Hoffmann, WP and partner (overall management), Martin Brinkfort, authorized signatory (financial), Philipp Jans, associate (financial) and Dr. Philipp Kruse, StB and authorized signatory (tax).

Source: Deal Advisors by Majunke
